Push Notifications
Thanx sends users push notifications in a variety of situations, such as when they make a purchase or earn a reward.
We can send push notifications to your app as well. When you are ready to register your app with Thanx for push notifications, you should send your CSM at Thanx your APNS certificate, FCM server key, and sender ID via a secure mechanism, such as Dropbox Transfer
The rest of this page provides information regarding the types of push notifications that Thanx currently sends.
A push notification payload will contain an event key and a merchant key. Each notification type may have other information provided. The sample notification text provided is not set in stone and will sometimes vary depending on the kinds of campaigns a merchant is running.
Purchase notifications
When a user makes a purchase, one of the following notifications is sent:
Discount Applied
A user activated a statement credit reward, and this reward was applied to the purchase.
Thanx! You just saved $10 at Pizza Merchant! It’ll show up on your credit card statement in about two days.
event: :purchase_discount_applied
Additional payload keys:
purchase_id: 'to35yu2o4i6y34io2j24'
A user’s receipt was accepted and they were granted progress toward their loyalty reward.
Heads up: Pizza Merchant granted you credit for $15.63 toward your next reward.
event: :progress_granted
Additional payload keys:
purchase_id: 'to35yu2o4i6y34io2j24'
Under Minimum
A user had activated a statement credit reward, but didn’t spend enough money on their subsequent purchase.
We couldn’t apply your statement credit reward at Pizza Merchant - it was less than the $25 minimum! We’ll try to apply it to your next purchase.
event: :reward_under_minimum
Additional payload keys:
reward_id: 'ri3of2o5i46o32iu4u4k'
purchase_id: 'to35yu2o4i6y34io2j24'
Reward Earned
This purchase resulted in a user earning their loyalty reward.
Cha-ching! You just earned $10 off your purchase at Pizza Merchant! Open up Pizza Merchant and activate it when you’re ready to use it.
event: :purchase_reward_earned
Additional payload keys:
reward_id: 'ri3of2o5i46o32iu4u4k'
purchase_id: 'to35yu2o4i6y34io2j24'
Initial Purchase
The user made their first purchase.
You just made your first purchase at Pizza Merchant! You’re now 56% towards your next reward here!
event: :first_purchase
Additional payload keys:
purchase_id: 'to35yu2o4i6y34io2j24'
Reward Unused
A user made a purchase and had a reward they could have used.
Heads up: you had a reward waiting for you at Pizza Merchant that you could have used! Activate it before your next visit!
event: :purchase_reward_unused
Additional payload keys:
reward_id: 'ri3of2o5i46o32iu4u4k'
purchase_id: 'to35yu2o4i6y34io2j24'
Invalid Purchase Amount
A user made a purchase that was too small to count for loyalty progress.
Your purchase came in from Pizza Merchant but it was under the minimum purchase. Make a purchase over $5 to earn loyalty progress.
event: :purchase_under_minimum
Additional payload keys:
purchase_id: 'to35yu2o4i6y34io2j24'
Settlement Required
A merchant’s settings require a settlement to come in before the user can be granted loyalty progress.
Your Pizza Merchant purchase came through but reward progress won’t apply until your credit card purchase settles. Stay tuned!
event: :purchase_settlement_required
Additional payload keys:
purchase_id: 'to35yu2o4i6y34io2j24'
Tier Purchase Progress
A user made a purchase that counted toward tier progress. If a merchant has both a loyalty campaign and tiers, the loyalty progress message will be sent instead.
You’re on your way! Spend $670.56 before the end of the year to earn Silver.
event: :purchase_tier_progress
Loyalty Progress
A user made a purchase that counted toward loyalty progress.
You’re almost there! You’re now 45% toward your next reward at Pizza Merchant.
event: :purchase_loyalty_progress
Additional payload keys:
purchase_id: 'to35yu2o4i6y34io2j24'
Tiers notifications
On track to reach the silver tier
You’re on track to reach Silver for Pizza Merchant - spend $35.24 more by Dec 31st!
event: :tier_silver_on_track
Reached the silver tier
Silver rewards at Pizza Merchant are yours! Congrats on achieving Silver status!
event: :tier_silver_reached
On track to reach the gold tier
You’re on track to reach Gold for Pizza Merchant - spend $23.45 more by Dec 31st!
event: :tier_gold_on_track
Reached the gold tier
Congrats on achieving Gold status at Pizza Merchant! Open up the app to see your new perks!
event: :tier_gold_reached
Tier status expiring soon
Your Gold status runs out in four weeks. Spend $450.24 to keep it for another year!
event: :tier_status_expiring
Vip notifications
As users earn toward VIP status, they receive the following messages.
VIP active
You’re a Pizza Merchant VIP! Open up the app to check out your VIP Reward!
event: :vip_active
VIP at risk
You’re almost out of time! You still need to spend $35 before Dec 1st to remain a Pizza Merchant VIP.
event: :vip_at_risk
VIP eligible
You’re eligible for VIP this month at Pizza Merchant! Spend $50 before the end of the month to earn VIP status through Jan 1st!
event: :vip_eligible
VIP on track
Your spending makes you eligible to earn VIP at Pizza Merchant! Spend $50 next month to earn a free pizza all month!
event: :vip_on_track
VIP nearly there
You’re almost a Pizza Merchant VIP! Spend $45 before Dec 1st to earn a free cactus all month!
event: :vip_visible
Reward notifications
A reward is issued
This text is customizable by the merchant when they run a campaign. If customized text isn’t provided, the following text is used.
You have a new reward from Pizza Merchant!
event: :reward_issued
Additional payload keys:
reward_id: 'ri3of2o5i46o32iu4u4k'
A reward is expiring
Heads up! Your $5 off at Pizza Merchant expires on 12/15! Don’t miss out!
event: :reward_expiring
Additional payload keys:
reward_id: 'ri3of2o5i46o32iu4u4k'
A reward was granted
The merchant issued a user a reward as a result of NPS feedback.
Pizza Merchant granted you a new reward: a free pizza!
event: :reward_granted
Additional payload keys:
reward_id: 'ri3of2o5i46o32iu4u4k'
Reminder about an unused reward
Don’t forget! You have a reward ($15 off) waiting for you at Pizza Merchant!
event: :reward_reminder
Additional payload keys:
reward_id: 'ri3of2o5i46o32iu4u4k'
Other notifications
NPS prompt
How was your visit to Pizza Merchant?
event: :purchase_nps_prompt
Additional payload keys:
purchase_id: 'to35yu2o4i6y34io2j24'
feedback_id: 'ghjh2k34j5l23kj44566'