These webhooks are sent anytime Thanx detects a qualifying user purchase.
Payload Description
The ID of the purchase record in Thanx
User information
Merchant information
Location information
Time the purchase was made in ISO8601-format
The purchase amount, represented as a string to prevent precision issues commonly associated with floating point numbers on the receiving side.
The order information, if this purchase reflects an online order
By default, these webhooks are sent 10 minutes after a purchase record is initially captured by the Thanx platform (usually initially from the credit card networks or ordering providers). Due to the nature of how Thanx collects item-level data, this data may not always be captured by Thanx by the time this webhook is sent out. If the purchase is digital (placed via Thanx-managed ordering experiences), this attribute will be populated. If the purchase is an in-store purchase, this attribute may not be populated depending on how quickly the webhook is configured to send.
This data can be collected by working with the Thanx team to adjust the webhook latency, send an additional webhook at the time of item matching, or looked up via other mechanisms.
The list of products the user bought