This endpoint creates a user, but it also facilitates signing an existing
platform user up with the client brand in scenarios where the SSO flow wouldn’t
be appropriate (i.e., the user is not signing in to an authenticated
If a user with the specified email already exists, it signs the user up with the
client brand before returning a 400 level error. This endpoint also returns
authorization information for a successfully created user, including an
access_token that can be used to access other API endpoints. Experiences
utilizing this endpoint must adhere to the
legal requirements for user creation.
This endpoint permits minimal requests that only contain an email parameter
for the purposes of signing up an existing platform user with the client
brand. If the email belongs to an existing user, it signs the user up with the
brand before returning a 400 level error.
curl \-X POST \$STANDARD_HEADERS-d '{"user":{"email":"","phone":"+14158672345","first_name":"Jane","last_name":"Smith","birth_date":{"month":8,"day":14},"zip_code":"12345"}}'