
This integration allows Thanx to generate unique coupon codes to be used directly on a POS in real time without the need for merchants to import coupon codes. Currently, the integration is available for Fishbowl and NorthStar merchants. For any additional support, please reach out to us at developer.support@thanx.com.


Merchants configure a reward template with unique coupon codes on the merchant dashboard

Users see coupon codes in the app after reward redemption

A restaurant staff inputs the code into the POS, and the POS sends a request to Loyalty API /Create Update Basket with header Reward-Redemption-Token set to the coupon code. Thanx will find the matching reward and update it.

When you send Thanx the provided code with the basket contents, Thanx applies the configured discount logic and responds with an appropriate discount (or an error message). The POS then applies the discount (or displays the message). Finally, when the check is paid out, a final API call is made to finalize the purchase. This marks the reward as used. See more details on Loyalty API /Create Update Basket.

See detailed guide for fishbowl here