The campaigns model represents the Thanx marketing campaigns. This model contains basic configuration information as well as aggregated campaign result data.

SFTP Exports

Sample campaigns.csv

Thanx Connex

Table name: campaigns


ColumnData TypeDescription
campaign_idstringThe unique identifier of the campaign in Thanx.
merchant_idstringThe unique identifier of the merchant in Thanx.
namestringThe name of the campaign. This is defined by the merchant.
start_earn_attimestampThe date and time the campaign can start engaging customers. This is in UTC.
end_earn_attimestampThe date and time the campaign will stop engaging customers. This is in UTC.
start_redeem_attimestampThe date and time the reward starts being redeemable. This is in UTC.
end_redeem_attimestampThe date and time the reward stops being redeemable. This is in UTC.
net_revenuenumberThe net revenue was generated from customers who received the campaign and made a purchase in the following 14 days.
unique_sent_email_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent an email.
unique_delivered_email_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered an email.
unique_clicked_email_usersnumberThe number of users that clicked a link in the email.
unique_opened_email_usersnumberThe number of users that opened the email.
unique_sent_push_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent a push notification.
unique_delivered_push_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered a push notification.
unique_sent_sms_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent an SMS. (Deprecated)
unique_delivered_sms_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered an SMS. (Deprecated)
unique_sent_email_variant_a_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent an email for Variant A of the campaign.
unique_delivered_email_variant_a_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered an email for Variant A of the campaign.
unique_clicked_email_variant_a_usersnumberThe number of users that clicked a link in the email for Variant A of the campaign.
unique_opened_email_variant_a_usersnumberThe number of users that opened the email for Variant A of the campaign.
unique_sent_email_variant_b_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent an email for Variant B of the campaign.
unique_delivered_email_variant_b_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered an email for Variant B of the campaign.
unique_clicked_email_variant_b_usersnumberThe number of users that clicked a link in the email for Variant B of the campaign.
unique_opened_email_variant_b_usersnumberThe number of users that opened the email for Variant B of the campaign.
unique_sent_email_variant_c_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent an email for Variant C of the campaign.
unique_delivered_email_variant_c_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered an email for Variant C of the campaign.
unique_clicked_email_variant_c_usersnumberThe number of users that clicked a link in the email for Variant C of the campaign.
unique_opened_email_variant_c_usersnumberThe number of users that opened the email for Variant C of the campaign.
unique_sent_email_variant_d_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent an email for Variant D of the campaign.
unique_delivered_email_variant_d_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered an email for Variant D of the campaign.
unique_clicked_email_variant_d_usersnumberThe number of users that clicked a link in the email for Variant D of the campaign.
unique_opened_email_variant_d_usersnumberThe number of users that opened the email for Variant D of the campaign.
unique_sent_push_variant_a_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent a push notification for Variant A of the campaign.
unique_delivered_push_variant_a_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered a push notification for Variant A of the campaign.
unique_sent_push_variant_b_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent a push notification for Variant B of the campaign.
unique_delivered_push_variant_b_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered a push notification for Variant B of the campaign.
unique_sent_push_variant_c_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent a push notification for Variant C of the campaign.
unique_delivered_push_variant_c_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered a push notification for Variant C of the campaign.
unique_sent_push_variant_d_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent a push notification for Variant D of the campaign.
unique_delivered_push_variant_d_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered a push notification for Variant D of the campaign.
unique_sent_sms_variant_a_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent an SMS for Variant A of the campaign.
unique_delivered_sms_variant_a_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered an SMS for Variant A of the campaign.
unique_sent_sms_variant_b_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent an SMS for Variant B of the campaign.
unique_delivered_sms_variant_b_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered an SMS for Variant B of the campaign.
unique_sent_sms_variant_c_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent an SMS for Variant C of the campaign.
unique_delivered_sms_variant_c_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered an SMS for Variant C of the campaign.
unique_sent_sms_variant_d_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent an SMS for Variant D of the campaign.
unique_delivered_sms_variant_d_usersnumberThe number of users that were successfully delivered an SMS for Variant D of the campaign.
unique_sent_variant_a_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent any communication (email, push, and/or SMS) for Variant A of the campaign.
unique_delivered_variant_a_usersnumberThe number of users that successfully received any communication (email, push, and/or SMS) for Variant A of the campaign.
unique_sent_variant_b_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent any communication (email, push, and/or SMS) for Variant B of the campaign.
unique_delivered_variant_b_usersnumberThe number of users that successfully received any communication (email, push, and/or SMS) for Variant B of the campaign.
unique_sent_variant_c_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent any communication (email, push, and/or SMS) for Variant C of the campaign.
unique_delivered_variant_c_usersnumberThe number of users that successfully received any communication (email, push, and/or SMS) for Variant C of the campaign.
unique_sent_variant_d_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent any communication (email, push, and/or SMS) for Variant D of the campaign.
unique_delivered_variant_d_usersnumberThe number of users that successfully received any communication (email, push, and/or SMS) for Variant D of the campaign.
unique_sent_usersnumberThe number of users that were sent any communication (email, push, and/or SMS).
unique_delivered_usersnumberThe number of users that successfully received any communication (email, push, and/or SMS).