The program models includes basic information for both Thanx marketing campaigns and other non-campaign Thanx programs, like intro, vip, and points programs.

SFTP Exports

Sample programs.csv

Thanx Connex

Table name: programs


ColumnData TypeDescription
program_idstringThe unique identifier of the program in Thanx.
program_uidstringThe unique identifier for the program in Thanx APIs.
merchant_idstringThe unique identifier of the merchant in Thanx.
redeem_titlestringThe title of the reward. This value is defined by the merchant when they create a reward template and visible to the consumer.
program_typestringThe type of program that issues the reward.
automated campaign
automated campaign - referral program
birthday program
exclusive deals
intro offer - premium
intro offer - standard
loyalty - incremental
loyalty - points
loyalty - spend
loyalty - surprise and delight
loyalty - visit
one-time campaign
one-time campaign - afternoon shoppers
one-time campaign - close a location
one-time campaign - evening shoppers
one-time campaign - midday shoppers
one-time campaign - morning shoppers
one-time campaign - promote a location
one-time campaign - reopen a location
one-time campaign - vips
one-time campaign - weekday shoppers
one-time campaign - weekend shoppers
reputation manager
special offer
special offer at a location
vip program - spend
vip program - visit based
winback program
handlestringThe string that is used in the last section of the PROGRAM_LINK to identify the offer.
program_linkstringThe url that the user must click to sign up for the reward (e.g.
created_attimestampThe date and time the program was created. This is in UTC.