The rewards earned and redeemed by your customers.

SFTP Exports

Sample rewards.csv

Thanx Connex

Table name: rewards


ColumnData TypeDescription
reward_idstringThe unique identifier of the reward in Thanx.
reward_uidstringThe unique identifier for the reward in Thanx APIs.
merchant_idstringThe unique identifier of the merchant in Thanx.
program_idstringThe unique identifier of the program in Thanx. The program is what issues rewards.
user_idstringThe unique identifier of the customer in Thanx.
earning_purchase_idstringThe ID of the purchase that resulted in this reward reaching 100% progress.
redemption_purchase_idstringThe ID of the purchase that is associated with this reward being redeemed.
redeem_titlestringThe title of the reward. This value is defined by the merchant when they create a reward template and visible to the consumer.
program_typestringThe type of program that issues the reward.
automated campaign
automated campaign - referral program
birthday program
exclusive deals
intro offer - premium
intro offer - standard
loyalty - incremental
loyalty - points
loyalty - spend
loyalty - surprise and delight
loyalty - visit
one-time campaign
one-time campaign - afternoon shoppers
one-time campaign - close a location
one-time campaign - evening shoppers
one-time campaign - midday shoppers
one-time campaign - morning shoppers
one-time campaign - promote a location
one-time campaign - reopen a location
one-time campaign - vips
one-time campaign - weekday shoppers
one-time campaign - weekend shoppers
reputation manager
special offer
special offer at a location
vip program - spend
vip program - visit based
winback program
statestringThe state of the reward. (active, delivered, fraudulent, pending use, refunded, retired, used)
delivered_attimestampThe time and date that the reward was delivered to the user. This is in UTC.
activated_attimestampThe time and date that the user activated the reward. This is in UTC.
used_attimestampThe time and date that the user used the reward. This is in UTC.
retired_attimestampThe time and date that the reward expired (if it wasn’t used). This is in UTC.
expiration_attimestampThe time and date this reward expires/expired. This is in UTC.
estimated_costnumberThe estimated cost of the reward. This value is based on COGS defined by the merchant, or estimated margins.
discountnumberThe discount amount of the reward. This value is defined by the merchant when they create a reward template.