The communication preferences model includes a user’s opt in or opt out status of various communication preference settings.

SFTP Exports

Sample communication_preferences.csv

Thanx Connex

Table name: communication_preferences

Fields Description

ColumnData TypeDescription
merchant_idstringThe unique identifier of the merchant in Thanx.
user_idstringThe unique identifier of the user in Thanx.
enabled_email_reward_earnedbooleanUser’s selection for email notifications for “When I get a new reward” field.
enabled_email_reward_unusedbooleanUser’s selection for email notifications for “When I have an unused reward” field.
enabled_email_reward_offerbooleanUser’s selection for email notifications for “When I have a special offer” field.
enabled_email_reward_progressbooleanUser’s selection for email notifications for “When I earn progress towards a reward” field.
enabled_email_payment_receiptbooleanUser’s selection for email notifications for “Send me a receipt” field. Only applies to merchants using exclusive deals.
enabled_email_marketing_generalbooleanUser’s selection for email notifications for “General news and updates” field. Does not reflect the device-specific notifications setting (e.g. this field may still reflect “TRUE” if the user disabled the notifications from phone settings).
enabled_notification_reward_earnedbooleanUser’s selection for push notifications for “When I get a new reward” field. Does not reflect the device-specific notifications setting.
enabled_notification_reward_unusedbooleanUser’s selection for push notifications for “When I have an unused reward” field. Does not reflect the device-specific notifications setting.
enabled_notification_reward_progressbooleanUser’s selection for push notifications for “When I earn progress towards a reward” field. Does not reflect the device-specific notifications setting.
enabled_notification_feedback_availablebooleanUser’s selection for push notifications for “To give feedback about purchases” field. Does not reflect the device-specific notifications setting.
created_attimestampThe date and time the communication preference was created. This is in UTC.
updated_attimestampThe date and time the communication preference was last updated by the user. This is in UTC.